Video Animation Projects

Below there are a selection of solo and collaborative projects created throughout my 3 years at Leeds Arts University. These video’s combined with clients music and my own, have been created to inform or promote products and research topics…

  • Over the past decade humans have discovered multiple avenues of technology that have drastically changed how we live our lives. For this project I aimed to inform the viewers of what the future holds for us and how fast technology is advancing. This research project below displays my two main animations for this brief.

    First Outcome:

    The animation above is used to inform viewers of the exponential growth of technology. The inspiration behind this was the “Moores Law” Theory.
    This video which is inspired by my research, can be seen multiplying over and over to represent the idea of growth. This is combined with layers of symmetrical animations and complex shapes showing the sheer quantity of technology and its ever expanding cycle.

    Final Outcome:

    This final piece shows the viewer the growth and future of technological advancements we are to face in the future.
    For this video I created a typeface, paired with stylised visuals that multiply over the course of the video. As the screen becomes more chaotic so does the music, which I also composed.

  • This was the main practical outcome for my final year research project. The concept video visualises my idea for a music searching platform that uses simplistic animations to find a mood/genre of music. The user would select one the animations which would then recommend songs and playlists that relate to that particular visual.

    In this concept piece, I created an easy to follow UI featuring animations that would help the user discover new music. I designed and animated the interface, app logo/icon, imagery and created the backing track. This quick and up tempo promotional advertisement for the app previews all areas of the interface. It shows the viewers how to interact with the platform. Hope you enjoy!

  • Here you can watch the final outcome of the collaborative project I worked on with one of my university peers. This animation promotes the release of our clients new remix and consists of bright eye catching visuals, paired with rhythmical animations.


Publication Design


The Letter A Project